In this quiz you will see the mottos of the US states. Find the matching state on the map and click on it.
Every federal state in the United States has a motto. For example, the motto of Florida is: "In God We Trust". The mottos are usually part of the state seal. Most of them are written in Latin or English language. In this quiz you will see the English translations. But in the information bar below the map, you will see the original texts as well.
Four of the 50 U.S. states have two mottos. Here we just ask one of them. The English one, if available.
You do not know the federal states yet? Visit the
USA - States Quiz
This quiz covers the following state mottos:
"Agriculture and Commerce", "Alis volat propriis", "All For Our Country", "By and by", "By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty", "By valor and arms", "Equal Rights", "Equality before the law", "Ever upward", "Forward", "Freedom and Unity", "Friendship", "God enriches", "Gold and silver", "He who transplanted sustains", "Hope", "I have found it", "I lead", "If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you", "In God We Trust", "Industry", "It grows as it goes", "Labor omnia vincit", "Let it be perpetual", "Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law", "Liberty and Independence", "Liberty and prosperity", "Liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable", "Live Free or Die", "Mountaineers are always free", "North to the Future", "Nothing without providence", "Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain", "State sovereignty, national union", "Strong deeds, gentle words", "The Crossroads of America", "The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness", "The people rule", "The star of the North", "Thus always to tyrants", "To be, rather than to seem", "To the stars through difficulties", "Under God the people rule", "Union, justice, confidence", "United we stand, divided we fall", "Virtue, liberty, and independence", "We dare defend our rights", "While I breathe, I hope", "Wisdom, Justice, Moderation" and "With God, all things are possible"