This quiz is about the counties of Minnesota. Match the county names with the clickable regions on the map. A difficult quiz with up to 87 questions. Click on
Switch region to select a subset of the counties.
Learn about Minnesota by learning the location of some or all the counties. You could start learning the counties of the metropolitan region of one of the regions where you live. To help you find your way around the map, the main rivers are marked.
Saint Paul, the capital of Minnesota, is located within Ramsey County. It is the second largest city of the state by population. The most populous city is Minneapolis in Hennepin County.
Also visit the
Minnesota - Cities Quiz and the
Minnesota - Lakes and Rivers Quiz.
Minnesota's northern neighbor is
Canada (green area on the map). West of Minnesota are North Dakota and South Dakota. South of the state is Iowa and the state of Wisconsin forms the border to the east.
This quiz covers the following counties:
Aitkin, Anoka, Becker, Beltrami, Benton, Big Stone, Blue Earth, Brown, Carlton, Carver, Cass, Chippewa, Chisago, Clay, Clearwater, Cook, Cottonwood, Crow Wing, Dakota, Dodge, Douglas, Faribault, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Grant, Hennepin, Houston, Hubbard, Isanti, Itasca, Jackson, Kanabec, Kandiyohi, Kittson, Koochiching, Lac qui Parle, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Le Sueur, Lincoln, Lyon, Mahnomen, Marshall, Martin, McLeod, Meeker, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Mower, Murray, Nicollet, Nobles, Norman, Olmsted, Otter Tail, Pennington, Pine, Pipestone, Polk, Pope, Ramsey, Red Lake, Redwood, Renville, Rice, Rock, Roseau, Scott, Sherburne, Sibley, St. Louis, Stearns, Steele, Stevens, Swift, Todd, Traverse, Wabasha, Wadena, Waseca, Washington, Watonwan, Wilkin, Winona, Wright and Yellow Medicine